Italy is always a good idea!
Italy is said to have more masterpieces per square miles than any other country in the world.“Better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times.”
Did you know?
1. Italy has the oldest population in Europe
The median age of Italians is 46.3 years. Only Japan is in front of Italy in terms of an ageing population (46.9 years).
2. Italy has 3 active volcanoes.
Only Italy and Iceland have active volcanoes in Europe. In Italy, active volcanoes are: Vesuvius, Stromboli and Etna.
3. The smallest country in the world is in Italy
The Vatican City, located in Rome, is the smallest country in the world. It is roughly 1/8 the size of New York’s Central Park.
4. There is a free wine fountain in Italy
In the Abruzzo region, there is an actual free wine fountain that operates 24hours. It is a local winery creation and a must-visit place for wine lovers.
5. Italians did not invent pasta
Although the Italians are leading in Europe when it comes to pasta consumption, they didn’t invent it. Pasta actually came into the Italy in the 13th century through Arab merchants.
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